Saturday, May 28, 2011

99.9% Pure Silver

Now the processor is in place, one of the most forgotten but most important tasks awaits, it needs to be coated with a very thin layer (the less the better) of thermal compound that glues the cooler in place and binds the CPU to it, decreasing the heat.

There are lots of different brands, types, and price classes, but for years I thrust on the Arctic Silver series that although expensive, takes the lead in all the benchmark tests. The Arctic Silver 5 syringe is filled with 99,9% pure silver, in a battle where heat is our biggest enemy this is the partner to thrust on!

But first we clean the processor of all dust, prints, and other factory crap for a very smooth surface. It is highly recommended to use gloves for all the steps because the liquid and thermal compound are extreme toxic.

Arctic Clean 1+2 and an Anti-Static cloth

Is to drop one drop of Arctic Clean 1 on the processor and wipe it in with a Anti-Static (!NOT A NORMAL ONE!) cloth, to prevent a static shock to the proseccor. And let it dry a few minutes.

Arctic Clean step 1

After that use one drop of the Arctic Clean 2 bottle and again wipe it in, and let it dry.

Arctic Silver step 2

Now wipe the processor with a dry part of the cloth to remove all the residue it left behind. To apply the Arctic Silver 5 thermal compound I use a new Airmiles card that you can get here in the Netherlands at almost every store, I use a new one so I am sure it has no dirt or other stuff on it.

3.5 gram pure silver syringe + new Airmiles card

One little blob is MORE than enough, keep in mind you only need a verry thin layer, the thinner the more and faster heat will go trough! Put one little blob on the centre of the processor and wipe it out with the card.
Processor with a very thin layer of Arctic Silver 5 scraped on to

Make sure that there is only compound on the highest level of the processor and to wipe off all the other areas if there has get some compound on them with the Anti-Static cloth. If you think it is to thick or you messed it up, don't panic! Just go back to step 1 and remove the compound with Arctic Clean 1 + 2 and try again!

After all is completed make sure to wash your hands with water and soap even if you have used gloves!

For more tech info about Arctic Silver + Arctic Clean visit: Arctic Silver



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